
CSR Strategy 2012-2015

All our CSR initiatives are grounded in the three core elements of Pelion's mission:
We care for health

All Pelion's activities in the CSR area should have a common denominator

HEALTH – understood both literally (human health/society's health) and figuratively (as healthy business practices)


While these efforts should engage all stakeholders, they should always be driven by Pelion's employees − our key capital

All CSR initiatives should be designed to look to the future ,

(with tradition as their starting point)

Key areas of action

Developing healthy relations with investors based on business transparency
Fostering the environment's health by reducing our own environmental impact.
Fostering Patients' health by improving access to medical treatment and active disease prevention.
Fostering healthy business through initiatives focused on ethical business conduct
Developing healthy relations with employees and taking initiatives to promote their health.

Innovative solutions across all business areas

Our goals: PATIENTS − our primary stakeholders

Fostering Patients' health
by improving access to medical treatment, active disease
prevention, tackling poverty and social inequality
Leading role of the Dbam o Zdrowie Foundation

DOZ Łódź Marathon in partnership with PZU − involving all Pelion companies
Continuing patient-centred programmes
Knowledge-sharing initiatives via a uniform platform

Protecting Human Rights

Our goals: Employees

Developing healthy relations with employees
and taking initiatives to promote their health

Introducing a Group-wide HR policy

Developing Pelion's
code of ethics

Employee volunteering
(satisfaction from being able to reconcile work with self-fulfilment through voluntary service)

Creating conditions for employees to communicate their expectations

Intra-Group sharing of best practice

In relations with employees, giving priority to health-focused initiatives.

Our goals: Local communities

Fostering Patients' health and healthy relations
with local communities by taking relevant initiatives
Promoting joint initiatives between Pelion companies and the Dbam o Zdrowie Foundation;

Urtica for Children

Bringing more companies to join in Pelion initiatives

National heritage − cultivating pharmaceutical traditions through pharmacy museums (Łódź, Lublin), running historical pharmacies and publishing

Our goals: Business partners

Fostering healthy business through initiatives focused on ethical business conduct

Developing a code of ethics
for Pelion and its business partners

Imposing compliance with the UN Global Compact's
10 principles and Pelion's code of ethics on business partners

Ensuring that subcontractors comply with the
Pelion Healthcare Group Code of Ethics

Forging stronger ties with business partners

Training employees in business ethics

Seeking synergies and balance between economic,
environmental and social aspects of our business

Laying down special requirements for providers
of transport/logistics services taking account of the
need to reduce carbon emissions (compliance with the Global Compact's principles)

Our goals: Investors

Developing healthy relations with investors based on business transparency

Launching CSR projects for existing or prospective stock-market investors

Investing in the future, e.g. by deploying innovative IR channels

Modern website

Demonstrating to investors that passion is what all Pelion companies have in common

Integrated reporting/ Respect Index

Our goals: Pharmaceutical and medical sector, B2B

Fostering healthy business through initiatives focused on ethical business conduct

Advancing the idea of promotion of the highest standards in healthcare in the context of changes affecting the pharmaceutical industry

Extending our initiatives to legislators (education in the context of proposed legislative changes)

Advancing the idea of promotion of the highest standards in healthcare in the context of changes affecting the pharmaceutical industry

Setting up a uniform platform for all knowledge-sharing initiatives

Taking initiatives based on knowledge sharing to effectively operate in the pharmaceutical industry, in compliance with law and with due regard to Patients' needs

Continuing our educational initiatives to provide business management support to pharmacists;
taking into account the real needs of this professional group and creating tools to understand such needs

Developing a uniform communication system for B2B clients

Building and fostering relations with the academic community.

Our goals: Sustainable development/ the environment

Fostering the environment's health by reducing our own environmental impacts
Pelion has identified its direct and indirect environmental impacts

Direct environmental aspects, which can be controlled by changing our everyday behaviours at every stage of our operations:

Consumption of energy for heating, lighting, and use of equipment, such as computers, household appliances, etc.

Withdrawal and consumption of water

Consumption of paper attributable to contracts, settlements, orders and invoices

Consumption of fuels by the corporate car fleet

Generation of municipal and business-related waste

Indirect environmental aspects, which cannot be fully controlled by Pelion:

Relations with third parties, which the Company can influence only to a limited extent

Legal regulations and administrative decisions

Establishing relations with various providers of maintenance, waste collection, transport, cleaning and other services.

These relations entail indirect environmental impacts of various intensity.

Actions in key areas involving environmental risks:

  • waste management
  • collection and recycling of drugs, waste cardboard, plastic film and aluminium
  • collection of waste paper, toners, batteries and bottle caps
  • fuel combustion = ecodriving, fleet replacement

Monitoring of water, wastewater and energy consumption

Taking sustainable development/environment protection initiatives in these areas

Setting specific goals and introducing a mechanism that would make Group companies compete in their pursuit

Involving employees in the process of identifying areas where measures can be taken to reduce the volume of/collect waste/pollutants.